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Integrative Pediatrics Explained

The biomedical, also called Integrative approach according to Autism Research Institute (ARI) is based on the latest scientific research showing biological causes such as heavy metal poisoning, yeast infection, food sensitivity, and nutritional deficiency. In short, the biomedical approach utilizes nutrition, diet changes, and lab testing to get down to the cause of a symptom. The way in which a practitioner plans patient care and treatment depends on what goals Dr. Brooks, DC, MSN, CACCP, BCIP, RN and the child's parents have for the child. Her goal is to find the right approach and fit for your family. 


According to the Functional Medicine Institute, functional medicine is defined as finding the underlying cause of disease and using a patient-centered approach. This approach addresses the whole person, not just a set of isolated symptoms. A functional medicine based practitioner (MD, DC, DO, ND) is not concerned about diagnosing or labeling a symptom, but truly understanding the body as a whole and working with the patient to achieve their goals.

Children with Biomedical issues are often different from other children

in the following ways:

Common childhood issues/symptoms that may be linked to

biomedical/functional, dietary, and/or nutritional issues, may include:

  • ADHD or ADD

  • Aggression

  • Allergies/sinus problems

  • Autism

  • Asperger’s

  • Bedwetting

  • Behavior issues

  • Constipation/Diarrhea

  • Developmental delays

  • Digestive problems

  • Eczema

  • Emotional difficulties

  • Failure to thrive

  • Fatigue

  • Growing pains

  • Headaches

  • Learning difficulties

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

  • Picky Eater

  • Poor sleep

  • Recurrent ear infections

  • Seizures

  • Self-injurious behaviors

  • Sensory processing disorders

You may want to consult with your primary care provider and discuss these factors.


These children tend to have more problems with digestion, including food sensitivity, particularly to wheat and dairy products. In addition, they tend to have yeast (Candida) infections. As a result of digestion problems, these children tend to have more allergies, constipation and/or diarrhea as well as sleep problems. Dr. Brooks, DC, MSN, CACCP, BCIP, RN addresses these digestive issues by looking at biomechanical causes, diet, and deficiencies within the body to formulate the best care plan for that child.

Minerals and Vitamins

A large majority of children are deficient in minerals and vitamins such as sulfur, zinc, magnesium, iodine, potassium, vitamin C, and B vitamins. It is important to eat foods rich in these vitamins and minerals as well as organic foods as much as possible. These deficiencies are addressed with high potency vitamin/mineral supplements ordered by Dr. Brooks, DC, MSN, CACCP, BCIP, RN to achieve the adequate balance necessary for your child.


Excessive use of antibiotics can cause gut problems, such as yeast/ bacterial overgrowth, as well as prevent excretion of mercury.

Juicy Bite

Environmental toxins and other unknown environmental factors are also believed to contribute to the dysfunctions and behavioral problems in our children. Again, the use of natural household products and organic foods are important here.

Toxic Heavy Metals

Analyses of the hair, urine, and excrement of children often reveal significantly higher levels of toxic heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, and particularly mercury. Mercury exposure could arise from vaccinations (that use mercury as a preservative), dental fillings, and excessive consumption of fish and seafood from polluted waters containing mercury. Dr. Brooks, DC, MSN, CACCP, BCIP, RN tests for these metal burdens and in conjunction with their primary doctor helps the body naturally rid toxic heavy metals safely and effectively using natural supplementation. In some cases, a referral may be given by your primary doctor or our office.

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